2019 annual performance forecast
Source: the tide of information network 10:29:22 2020-1-20
Stock code: 002365 securities, yongan pharmaceutical bulletin number: 2020-06
Qianjiang Yongan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
2019 annual performance forecast
The company and the board members to ensure that the information disclosure content true, accurate and complete, no false records, misleading statements or major omissions.
One, the expected results in current situation
1, during the preliminary results: on January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019;
2, expected performance:
ð亏损 ð扭亏为盈 ð同向上升 √同向下降
Project this year on year during the reporting period
Attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit year-on-year decline: 55% to 45% profit: 17858.43 ten thousand yuan
Profit: $80.3629 million - $98.2214 million
Second, the performance forecast pre audit situation
The preliminary results without certified public accountants audit.
3 and the change of performance reasons
2019 a is the main reason for the decline in annual results taurine decline in sales, and sales prices, lead to revenue, gross margin decline; The second is to idle provision for the impairment of assets.
Fourth, other related instructions
The preliminary results is the result of the preliminary estimation, the company's financial department specific financial data the company disclosed in 2019 annual report shall prevail.
The general investors please pay attention to the investment risk.
Notice is hereby given that the.
Qianjiang Yongan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Board will be
January 15, 2020